Caring Through Sharing (CTS) Enhances Partner Capacity with Documentation Workshop

Master the Art of Documentation

Building upon the success of its March 2024 CSR workshop, Caring Through Sharing (CTS) organized a two-day online workshop on August 2nd and 5th, 2024, to equip partners with essential documentation skills.

The “Mastering the Art of Documentation” workshop attracted 192 participants from various social centers. National Consultant with UNICEF India, Ms. Jennifer Selvaraj, led the training, sharing insights on the importance of documentation, effective practices, and crafting compelling case stories.

Participants gained practical knowledge on documentation fundamentals, challenges, and strategies. Interactive sessions and hands-on assignments helped them identify and document their own success stories.

CTS is committed to fostering a strong documentation culture within the development sector and plans to conduct more workshops in the future.

We have compiled all the resource materials from both days in a Google Drive folder:

Additionally, you can access recordings of the workshop sessions for further reference:

Day 1:

Passcode: 5Cxcs$D?

Day 2:

Passcode: 1F2h&n!x

Stay tuned for information about upcoming workshops! You can also learn more about Jesuit Research and Development Society on our website: