Ankil Kumari’s Educational Journey: Overcoming Challenges with JRDS Support

Ankil Kumari’s Educational Journey:
Overcoming Challenges with JRDS Support

(Shilpa, Radhika & Ankil Kumari)

Ankil Kumari, hailing from a disadvantaged family of migrant laborers, faced numerous challenges in pursuing her education. Her father, Dinesh Uraon, the family’s sole breadwinner, worked as a landless migrant laborer in Bangalore, earning a modest income, while Ankil’s elder brother navigated the difficulties of life in Mumbai. Despite their earnest desire to provide a quality education for their children, the family faced a significant barrier due to their precarious economic situation.  Additionally, Ankil’s mother, Devkaliya Devi, required regular medical care. However, Ankil’s determination shone through, and despite the adversities, she excelled in her Class IX exams, achieving an impressive 60%.

During this challenging time, Ankil connected with SEVA SADAN in Patna, Bihar, an organization dedicated to providing education to underprivileged girls and boys. The pivotal turning point in Ankil’s journey came through the support extended by the JRDS to the SEVA SADAN project. Thanks to this collaboration, Ankil, along with 45 other girls, received crucial assistance. The JRDS-supported project focused on Tharu and Uraon tribal communities and Musahars, a Maha-Dalit community, aiming to alleviate the financial burden of school and residential fees by offering scholarships.

These girls, burdened by the historical and contextual deprivations of their communities, shared stories of struggles marked by centuries of enslavement, oppression, and humiliation. However, despite these challenges, they recognized education as the key to breaking free from the cycle of misery and poverty.

The story of Ankil Kumari’s education journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and the support provided by JRDS and SEVA SADAN. It highlights the resilience and determination of individuals to overcome obstacles and pursue a brighter future through education.

Watch the full video here to see how JRDS is supporting tribal girls:

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