Building a Sustainable Future: A Successful Workshop on CSR for Domestic Fundraising

CSR for Domestic Fundraising

On March 23rd, 2024, Caring Through Sharing, a Jesuit Research and Development Society (JRDS-DP) initiative, hosted a highly successful online workshop titled “Building a Sustainable Future: The Power of CSR for Domestic Fundraising.” The interactive session attracted over 250 registrations from a diverse audience, showcasing the growing importance of CSR for social development initiatives.

The workshop kicked off with welcoming remarks by Mr. Shinu Joseph (Manager, Monitoring & Evaluation, JRDS) followed by a warm introduction of the keynote speaker, CSR industry expert Mr. Nikhil Pant, delivered by Fr. Sebasti L Raj (Director, Caring Through Sharing). Mr. Pant, leveraging his extensive experience, led an insightful session packed with practical advice on utilizing CSR for domestic fundraising.

The workshop addressed a critical need: understanding Section 135 of the Companies Act, including navigating CSR Law, Compliance, and Data Insights – essential for any organization seeking CSR funding or responding to RFPs. A video featuring Loyola Vocational Institute Delhi acted as a powerful example of leveraging branding and video content for successful fundraising.

Video Link:

The enthusiastic participation, with 165 attendees and 171 engaged viewers on YouTube, served as a strong testament to the session’s value and impact. Empowered with knowledge on CSR, participants gained the tools to build sustainable funding models for their social development initiatives.

Caring Through Sharing remains committed to supporting its partners through knowledge sharing and ongoing guidance on their development journey.

You can find a recording of the live session here: