REAP's Literacy Program Lights the Way for Underprivileged Children

Reach Education Action Program

Reach Education Action Program (REAP), the dedicated education partner of Caring Through Sharing, an initiative of  JRDS development programs, is making a significant impact in Mumbai and its surrounding rural areas through its innovative Literacy program. This initiative serves not only as an educational endeavor but also as a beacon of hope for underprivileged children, delivering education directly to their doorsteps.

Caring Through Sharing is committed to enhancing the lives of underprivileged children by making it easy for them to access quality education, ensuring that they have the opportunity to learn and thrive.

REAP’s Supplementary Classes are specifically designed to support children facing the dual challenges of economic hardship and the absence of parental guidance in their educational journeys. Often, parents of these children are themselves illiterate, making them unable to provide essential support or afford additional tuition. This educational void can lead to a significant learning gap and, if left unaddressed, may result in school dropout.

These classes serve as a bridge across the educational gap, delivering quality education in fundamental subjects such as English, Mathematics, and Science. Conducted within the premises of government schools, they ensure accessibility for those who need it most, particularly in rural areas and slums where REAP has established an extensive network of supplementary classes, impacting the lives of numerous children.

Supporting REAP’s supplementary classes means providing much-needed resources and guidance to underprivileged children, offering them a better chance at quality education and a brighter future. Your donations can make a lasting impact on these children’s lives, helping them overcome challenges arising from their social and economic circumstances.